More often than not, a senior move in the Dallas-Fort Worth area means downsizing. This can involve moving from a single-family home into an assisted living facility. This can be a challenge, as many belongings may not fit in a smaller residence. That’s where we’d like to highlight the advantages of portable storage containers during senior moves.
The Downside of Downsizing
The fast truth is that senior citizens have spent a lifetime collecting and adding to their personal possessions. From furniture to knick-knacks to closets full of clothing, almost all of it has some sort of sentimental value. Therefore, it can become more than a bit tricky when a senior is faced with a downsized living arrangement.
This means that some belongings must be disposed of or stored elsewhere. Hard choices must be made. Some opt for a huge estate sale while others hand off the bulk of their belongings to friends and family members. Either way, the move is made all the more difficult because of these hard-to-make decisions. As a result, seniors are stressed and this stress passes to those family members who are also tasked with helping a loved one transition away from their life-long home.
The Storage Container Solution for Your Senior Move
A portable storage container is a great option for seniors on the move. To start with, possessions don’t have to be sold off or given away. They can remain safely secured in a portable storage unit and always available.
A perfect example might center around holiday decorations. Maybe some of those Christmas or Halloween boxes are too big or bulky for an assisted living arrangement but they’re perfect for our storage containers. This way, all of those family decorations that have been collected over the years are still available when the holiday surfaces. Once the holiday is over, they can be quickly packed up and placed back into the storage container.
The same can be said for clothing and other personal items that are still wanted but can’t be kept because of spacing issues in those smaller assisted living residencies. Whatever your spacing needs, our storage containers can help. Because our storage units come in a variety of sizes, no move is too big or small.
Portable storage containers can also be considered moving containers. You may not wish to store your belongings in the container beyond the time for the belongings to be moved to your new residence. This provides for a more relaxed moving option for seniors.
Seniors on the Move Rely More and More on Personal Storage Containers
When seniors choose a portable storage option the move is less stressful across the board. There’s a genuine comfort in knowing that one’s blessed possessions are secure and waiting. While tucked away in one of our storage containers their personal items are protected from environmental elements such as rain or heat and also firmly secured with anti-theft devices.
At SAM Store and Move we firmly believe that what’s yours is yours and should remain yours for as long as you like. Let us help you ease the pressure of a big move into a smaller space. Contact us today or request your free quote online.