While the stakes may not be quite as high for you when it comes to storing your belongings, now very well might be the best time to try a portable storage container. If you haven’t tried one before, these containers let you minimize human contact with strangers and allow you to pack and unpacking belongings on your timeline, in addition to other benefits. Let’s dive deeper.
They’re Great for Social Distancing
We can all agree that 2020 will be remembered for a lot of things, one of which is social distancing. This has caused frustrations, but it’s also an opportunity to try new solutions for everyday needs. This year is particularly a great time to try portable storage containers for the first time, as they help minimize human contact and encourage social distancing.
While traditional moving companies are adopting new safety measures to protect the health of customers, the fact is, portable storage containers reduce the amount of time you’re around strangers. You can enjoy a contactless delivery of the container, load it up on your timeline (and with just your family members) and call to have it delivered to a new location. No contact necessary.
They Give You Flexibility
This year has also been known for its uncertainty, particularly when it comes to jobs. Whether you’ve experienced job loss and need to downsize (or move into a cheaper living situation) or you’re relocating for a new job, a portable storage container can help. You can load up on your timeline and keep the container on site for as long as you need it. The container can then be stored in a secure facility or transported to the new location of your choosing.
They’re Cost-Efficient
We’re all looking for affordable solutions these days and you’ll be happy to know that the cost for portable storage containers are comparable to the cost for other moving-and-storage solutions. You don’t need to be rich to afford the convenience and flexibility that a portable storage container provides. Simply determine the number of containers you need with a storage calculator and get an upfront, no-obligation estimate that you can use as you budget.
Now is the perfect time to try a portable storage container. Give us a call at 972-GET-A-SAM for a quote today.